A Moment for Thank You

Handwritten thank-you notes have magical powers. Gina Hamady, a mother of two, launched a gratitude project born from the sheer positivity she felt from writing handwritten thank you notes. Gina assigned a theme for each month and committed to writing a note a day for a year. She discovered that recognizing Moments and sharing their impact with others created mutual Joy. This very small and easy practice made others feel seen and acknowledged. Writing thank you notes also helps us become more attuned to the kindness all around us as well as the under-the-radar Moments we might have previously missed.

[Need more fuel for Moments of gratitude? Watch this TEDx talk: on 365 Days of Gratitude.]

Make time to write a handwritten thank-you note for someone who creates a memorable Moment over the course of the next five days. It could be a busy nurse who held the elevator, a recovering patient who inspired shared laughter, or the chef who always remembers preferences or favorites.