“The future is ours to create.”

~ John Quincy Adams


This one-of-a-kind collaborative provides intimate interaction with experts from The Experience Lab and dozens of exemplars from inside and outside the health care industry during an intensive year-long Experience journey.

Discovery Lab

Discovery Labs: Focused on our Experience themes of LEADING, LOOKING, LIVING and LOVING, each Discovery Lab will explore a theme from inside and outside the health care industry, examine key principles, and provide new methods and tools for creating the future. Lab Partners will learn the method of Extract. Adapt. Apply. to rapidly prioritize and align key learnings to a customized Experience formula and operational cadence map and plan. Along the way, exemplars will spark new thinking and provocateurs will delight, awe and surprise. This is not your ordinary Zoom.

Design Lab Beaker

In Vivo Design Labs: These highly strategic Design Labs put concepts into plans and plans into action. This is where our Catalysts collaborate with you on the custom design of your unique Experience formula and support the activation of Inside Out discoveries across your organization. In addition, at the end of the year a final synthesis Design Lab brings it all together and sets the course for comprehensive continuance.

in vi·vo \in ‘ve–vo–\
adverb & adjective
Laboratory (of a process or experiment)
performed or taking place in a living
organism or natural setting.


Essentials: Arriving in the mail, email and via virtual Zoom gatherings, Essentials is a self-guided continuous rhythm of insights, ideas, tools, Action Kits and Guides. Essentials serves as a steady heartbeat of content to amplify and cascade learning from the four Discovery Labs and simultaneously builds an organization’s Experience library and comprehensive resources for cascading across the enterprise.

Essentials - Action Kits
Catalytic Guiding Compass

Catalytic Guidance: At the beginning of the partnership and prior to each In Vivo Design Lab, Inside Out Lab Partners participate in strategic check-ins with The Experience Lab—providing executive strategy and thought partnership. These sessions are designed to accelerate your Experience plan development, tailor the upcoming Design Labs, refine the operational cadence and cascade, share insights, and identify or activate key priorities.


Cadence Timeline - The Experience Lab


Inside Out Is Not For Everyone

This “all-in” immersion is designed for organizations passionately committed to leading the way in “Big E Experience” Design and positive cultural transformation.

Everyone’s Experience Matters

Ideal Lab Partners are not solely focused on patient Experience–they understand that everyone’s Experience matters and are interested in designing a new kind of Experience for team members, providers, patients, and guests–from the inside out.

Experience As The Way

Ideal participants understand Experience not as another thing to do—rather—a way to do all things. This understanding ensures a more expansive lens to Experience, Experience Design, Culture, and Culture Cultivation. (Let’s just say The Experience Lab goes far beyond HCAHPS, Satisfaction, and Engagement.)

Ideas Into Action

Inside Out is designed for organizations with the ability to take ideas and put them into action in their organization. Those with leadership development, process design methods, or innovation infrastructures are especially well suited.

Learn. Teach. Grow.

Lab Partners gain as much from the partners in the coLab as they do from the robust educational Experience. Applicant organizations should be open to learning, sharing, creating, and growing together. Just as in any laboratory, Lab Partners will have homework, be expected to come to Discovery Labs and In Vivo sessions well-prepared, and stay for the duration of the Experience.

CoLab Commitment

Field a Team

Four to 20 executives with strategic and decision making authority are empowered to guide transformation.


Discovery Labs are high energy, immersive, and participatory–– requiring your full commitment and attention.


Commit to actively participate in all prework, Discovery Labs, In Vivo Design Labs, and ongoing Experience activation. Be all in!

Get reactions, guidance, and answers to the most common questions about Inside Out, from the participants of our national coLab, or contact a Catalyst to learn more.

Catalyst Connect
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    Discover more about Inside Out

    Connect with a catalyst in The Experience Lab. Share your information to get started.