
“Fundamental ideas are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone.”

“Fundamental ideas are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone.”



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Experience matters now more than ever. The health care industry is being called to create a more human Experience for everyone. And this once-in-forever moment can be the catalyst for creating the kind of Experience our team members, providers, patients, and guests desire–and deserve.

Recognizing not every organization has a year to design the future, we created Inside Out Fundamentals. Uniquely suited for organizations with a compressed timeline or pressing business needs, this accelerated Experience Discovery and Design process provides a comprehensive exposure into The Experience Lab’s themes, principles, methods, and tools and takes place across a two- to three-month timeframe.


Inside Out Fundamentals, a focused, project-based Experience endeavor, creates a compelling and action-oriented learning environment for up to 30 leaders that is aligned to an organization’s priority goal, key project, or time-sensitive need. Participants are guided by Experience Catalysts to integrate new Experience insights directly into action through their people, processes, and places.

Fun·da·men·tal [fəndəˈmen(t)əl]
The central or primary principles on which something is based.
The most basic and important aspects.

This Experience intensive was created as a virtual offering to meet the rapidly changing needs of the industry, and is adaptable to support the top priorities of any organization, including:

  • Opening new hospitals, clinics, and services
  • Designing Experiences based on priority needs
  • Amplifying Experiences for
    • Team members
    • Physicians
    • Patients and guests
  • Developing leaders for Experience
  • Architecting or extending Experience infrastructure, lexicon, and tools
  • Integrating equity and inclusion into the Experience endeavor


Throughout this virtual offering, participants are guided through a welcome salon, four interactive accelerated Discovery Labs and a Rapid Design Lab to help organizations explore our Experience themes of LEADING, LOOKING, LIVING, and LOVING, the twelve associated principles, along with key frameworks and methods. Organizations partner with our Experience Catalysts to Extract. Adapt. And Apply. these learnings and rapidly integrate new Experience insights into priority projects.


Discovery Labs - Test Tubes

Discovery Labs

Accelerated Discovery Labs include an introduction and four themed-based explorations inside and outside of the health care industry, immersive virtual Experiences, and new methods and tools for designing culture and Experience.

Discovery Labs are geared for activation and participants rapidly prioritize and align key learnings to a specific priority or project.

Rapid In Vivo Design Lab - Blue Beaker

Rapid In Vivo Design Lab

The In Vivo Design Lab occurs following the completion of the fourth Discovery Lab, and provides participants with the opportunity to use the themes, principles, frameworks, and methods introduced as a launchpad for creating and designing a transformative culture and Experience. With guidance from our Catalysts, participants will be fundamentally equipped to apply insights and ideas, synthesize Experience priorities, and align to key people, processes, and places.

Strategic Executive Connection - Monitor with Webcam

Strategic Executive Connections

At the outset of the partnership and prior to each Discovery Lab, executive sponsors participate in strategic check-ins with The Experience Lab—providing executive strategy and thought partnership. These sessions are designed to accelerate Experience plan development, tailor upcoming Labs, refine the operational cadence and cascade, share insights, and identify or activate key priorities.

experience lab toolkit - blue smoke box

Experience Lab Toolkit

Each participant will receive an action-oriented toolkit to accompany the learning Experience. This modular toolkit is designed to be a constant companion to leaders along their Fundamentals journey—providing accompanying materials, tools, activities, and provocations to design the Experience anew— serving as a ready reference and mini library for the future.


Ready to discover more? Contact us today.
If not today, when? If not you, then who?
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    Discover more about Fundamentals

    Connect with a catalyst in The Experience Lab. Share your information to get started.