Plan for Happiness
What happens when one of the largest publications nationwide focuses on Joy? In an effort to explore the many ways one can find and maintain a state of happiness, Time magazine did an entire special edition issue called “The Science of Happiness.” The article outlines fourteen different ways to reach a joyful state. It isn’t a step-by-step guide to happiness, rather a pick-and-choose of ways that you can find happiness in your day. From savoring the small things to finding purpose in pleasure, it’s a fantastic list to try. Last but not least on the list is “make Sunday future-fun day.” In other words, plan for the next weekend and allow yourself to anticipate the Joy to come. Productivity consultant Julie Morgenstern suggests that all weekends should be designed around the acronym PEP: physical, escape, people. When those three elements are at the core of your time, it’s inevitable that it will be filled with Joy.
![]() | While some of our team members and providers don’t always have the luxury of working a “traditional” schedule with free weekends and time off. How might we encourage them to take personal time and practice self care? How can we encourage and support our people in planning for happiness and designing for Joy? |