Please Wear White

How do you know you’ve arrived at the world’s most secret and chic dinner event? The Stage is perfectly set and everyone is dressed the same. Dîner en Blanc is a secret outdoor dining Experience hosted once a year at some of the most incredible locations around the world. Besides the excitement associated with receiving a coveted, exclusive invitation and the last minute reveal of the dinner location (which occurs literally minutes prior to the meal), Diner En Blanc requires that all diners arrive in costume: all in white. Hundreds of guests decked head to toe in bright white is a sight to see and makes it clear to dinner-goers who is an attendee and who is not. 

While the location is secret, one thing is clear: Dîner en Blanc knows how to set a Stage through costume. What do the “costumes” of our organizations say? Is it clear at first glance what role a team member plays based on their uniform?