What if in the midst of these times filled with an abundance of challenging news, we consciously looked for the real good news? In this Joy Burst with Branden Harvey, founder of Good Good Good, a news outlet focused on finding the good in the world, we intentionally take a moment to celebrate the good together. The stories and tools Branden shares leave you feeling less overwhelmed, and more capable of being a part of all that is good in the world.
As you watch this Joy Burst, consider closing your eyes to allow the real good news to be absorbed or take out your notebook and write down a few real good news stories that speak to you. These practices will help the good news stick like Velcro.
Branden Harvey is a storyteller focused on sharing stories of good all over the world. If Branden’s learned one thing from his work, it’s this: there’s no shortage of good news in the world. You just have to know where to look.
The Experience Lab is hosting 15-minute, live Experiences (via Zoom) with friends of The Experience Lab each week. Exemplars will virtually share music, poetry, meditation, and inspiring readings meant to serve as a midweek energy changer for you, your team, and the industry. Stay connected to our stories or follow us on LinkedIn for more information.