The Experience Lab welcomed 10 inspiring Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students and their teachers to share their wellness wisdom with Experience Lab Partners–and it was extraordinary seeing these young people serve as reverse mentors for health care executives.
In The Experience Lab we believe in the power of an Inside Out approach to culture and Experience transformation–starting first on the inside–focusing on the culture and Experience we create for and with our team members and providers. We also believe in the power of outside in Experience learning–tapping into the wisdom and expertise of exemplars and experts from outside of our organizations and the health care industry as a whole. That’s why our Lab Partners—visionary health care leaders from across the country–are exposed to dozens and dozens of experts and brands as they explore our principles of Experience and create their unique formulas for designing the future.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Mind Body Ambassadors, Parkland Florida
On February 14, 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSDHS) Experienced one of the most tragic school massacres of our time. Seventeen people were killed. In the aftermath of the tragedy young people and teachers rallied to find their way–and are now leading the way. Initially, World History Teacher, Diane Wolk Rogers, did not have the tools and resources she needed to cope with the trauma–personally or as a guide for her students. She took it upon herself to become certified in Mind-Body Medicine and bring the calming impact of breathing, mindfulness, and meditation to her colleagues and students.
Today Diane’s extraordinary Mind-Body Ambassadors Club is filled with students who are now certified facilitators powerfully sharing their new skills with others across the school district, the community, and the world.
We recently partnered with students and teachers from MSDHS Mind-Body Ambassadors club to share their wisdom and practice with hundreds of Experience Lab Partners in an immersive Experience Salon. The energy in the room was electric as passionate and poised high school students created a safe and brave space, guiding health care leaders to expand their definition of wellness, practice new tools and techniques, and think bigger about the realm of human Experience design. These students were truly enlightening Experience teachers.
When it comes to designing a more meaningful and memorable Experience for our team members, providers, patients, and guests we find that tapping the wisdom of unlikely experts can be the very best catalyst for transformation. Who are you learning from? Who might be a reverse mentor for your cultural and Experience revolution?
Are you ready to take the leap to distinguish your organization and transform your culture from the Inside Out? Learn more about Inside Out, the national Experience collaborative providing a complete immersion into the world of Experience to help you learn and apply key Experience principles to your organization’s vision and strategic aim.